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Workflow: A developer ready child theme of OceanWP

OceanWP is a immensely powerful yet lightweight multi-purpose WordPress theme that comes with out-of-the-box support for SEO (including schema), WooCommerce and it seamlessly integrates with page builders like Elementor PRO. Ocean comes bundled with a number of useful JavaScript libraries like Lightbox, FitVids, search libraries, off canvas filtering, FontAwesome, Slick, Superfish and a host of others, but you aren’t forced into using them. With Ocean, you have complete control over which JS and CSS libraries are loaded. When you turn a library “off”, it’s automatically no longer enqueued to WordPress. 

Script control with OceanWP

Tip: When you add theme features that require additional JS or CSS libraries, adding them to your script controller allows you to enable or disable the library through your Theme Admin panel.

quick and easy WORDPRESS plugin control with tgmpa

As you develop sites with WordPress you build a list of “go-to” plugins that you often use in your projects. When developing in a local environment it’s easy to drag and drop plugin folders into place but it’s not so easy when you don’t have file or FTP access. Workflow simplifies this by tapping into OceanWP’s TGMPA library. Simply add a repository or local file plugin in functions.php and it’ll be a one-click installation on any future project. 

Workflow's Plugin Installation page

complete theme and layout control out-of-the-box

OceanWP’s “Extras” plugin, included by default with Workflow, gives you direct access to a ton of controls including: theme colors & typography for every site element; controls for pagination, buttons and forms; top bar, header, footer and bottom bar control by allowing you to choose from a number of layouts or creating your own; mega-menu support; multiple mobile menu layouts — and many others. If you need individual page or custom post type control of OceanWP’s settings, each page can be configured to use it’s own settings.

Individual Page Settings when using OceanWP/Workflow

elementor ( & pro ) support in oceanwp

OceanWP fully supports and has verified compatibility with a number of page builders including Elementor, a live, front-end page builder for WordPress currently in version 2. Elementor has intuitive, natural layouts and TONS of re-usable and customizable components.

Elementor has lots of features that simplifies a developers workflow. One such feature is reusable components. Once you build a component, you can save it to your “Global” components and simply drop it anywhere on any page, post or template. You can choose to keep it linked to the original component and any time you make a change to the master, it updates everywhere, or you can unlink it and customize it individually. So, if you build a great looking block-quote that you want to use on all (or many) of your blog posts, once you save it to your Globals you simply drag and drop it on your page, click “unlink” and just change the content — all of the style customizations will already be made.

Note: Workflow does not require you to purchase Elementor PRO, however, Elementor PRO comes with significantly more features and usable components that we simply cannot live without. Elementor PRO pricing is current as follows for 1 year of update and support.

OceanWP Core Extensions Bundle

While OceanWP (and the Workflow child theme) is completely free to use, add-ons are available that enhance functionality. The most useful (for us) being OceanWP Elementor WidgetsSticky HeaderSticky FooterPortfolio and Side Panel. We prefer (even to this day) the OceanWP Elementor Menu widget over the default Elementor nav and we often make use of the AJAX search widget. 

Note: There are currently 11 premium add-ons in the Core Extensions Bundle and a number of professional site demos that you’ll get access to. You can learn about all of them here. Pricing for the Core Extensions Bundle is as follows:

Like underscores, a "bare-bones" canvas for your project

Developers who have used “bare bones” developer themes like “Underscores” will appreciate the blank canvas they have to initially work. A true multi-purpose WordPress theme, Workflow has no constraints to any specific styling or layout. By using Workflow, you can make any custom changes to OceanWP’s functionality including additional or replacement WordPress hooks and you won’t lose any of those modifications when OceanWP updates. To see a completed project using Workflow and all it’s features, check out EzToEat (a demo restaurant).

Default Workflow Installation

Completed Workflow Project

Plugin bundles linked to workflow

We’ve linked a number of plugins to Workflow that help with various aspects of development. You can remove (and add) to the plugins list by modifying Workflow’s functions.php file.

VideoS coming soon. download now on github.

We’re currently putting a number of different videos together for building a variety of projects, layouts and functional components with Workflow. In the meantime, you can get started now by downloading Workflow on Github.

Keystone Web Studios

A Pennsylvania based IT consulting firm specializing in Wordpress & custom framework website / application development, ecommerce platforms, native mobile application development, SEO/SEM services, digital marketing management & technical support. Call us anytime! 855-942-0303

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